Subject: Live Webcasts of State events
Good morning all,
I am contacting you to notify you that our company, TCT, will be broadcasting the State Basketball tournament games on Saturday, March 14 from Casper. We have received permission and purchased broadcasting rights from the WHSAA to bring your fans that can’t attend the tournament live action via the Internet of the State games. We hope to cover as many of the preliminary games on Thursday and Friday (audio only) as possible but will have all semis and final games aired live video. I have attached a flyer that can be printed and distributed throughout your school. Our website can be accessed at Some games on Thursday and Friday will be audio only but games played on Saturday will include live video. TCT has contracted John Gabrielson, WyoPreps and Joel Kindle to call the title games on Saturday.
Other State events that TCT will be covering are the 1A/2A State Basketball Games on Saturday, March 7 and the State Dance/Cheer competition being held on Wednesday, March 11.
TCT will also be broadcasting Regional Basketball games from Lander (1A), Riverton (2A) and Worland (3A). These games will be broadcast in cooperation with our local schools covering their respective teams. TCT and RT Communications are partnering to also bring live video coverage of 2A/3A/4A State Wrestling from Casper on Saturday, February 28. These will be the finals only on Saturday afternoon.
Be sure to visit our website for scheduled games and events being broadcast or feel free to contact me for any questions you may have.
TCT appreciates our partnership with WHSAA, WyoPreps, and our area schools participating in broadcasting; Ten Sleep, Burlington, Meeteetse, Riverside, Greybull, Lovell, Rocky Mountain High School and Powell High Schools.
Marla Leithead
Broadcast Supervisor
401 S Bent
Powell, WY 82435
Office 307-754-9160
Fax 307-568-3748

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