This week with the Bearcats

Tuesday Aug. 30th:
9th Volleyball – Douglas Triangular
4:00 p.m. – Douglas vs. Rawlins
5:00 p.m. – Glenrock vs. Rawlins
6:00 p.m. – Douglas vs. Glenrock
Thursday Sept. 1st:
Golf @ Worland Invite
9th Football vs. Natrona, 4:30 p.m.
Friday Sept. 2nd:
Golf @ Worland Invite
Volleyball @ Gillette Invite, 9:00 a.m.
Cross Country @ Gering Invite, 1:00 p.m.
Girls Swimming @ Newcastle, 4:00 p.m.
Football @ Green River, 7:00 p.m.
Saturday Sept. 3rd:
Volleyball @ Gillette Invite, 9:00 a.m.
Tuesday Sept. 6th:
9th Football vs. Lusk, 4:30 p.m.
JV Football @ Buffalo, 4:30 p.m.
Go Bearcats!!
Steve Walker
Activities Director
Douglas High School
email: swalker@ccsd1.k12.wy.us
Office: (307)358-4040
Cell: (307)351-9375
Fax: (307)358-6567
Douglas High School Activities Mission Statement:
“Our Mission is to broaden our students’ interest and experience through extracurricular activities that encourage cooperation and commitment while improving individual self-esteem, perseverance and positive spirit.”
Douglas High School Mission Statement:
Our mission is dedicated to preparing all students to become accountable life long learners.
This week with the Bearcats

Thursday August 25th:
Golf @ Torrington Invite
Friday August 26th:
Golf @ Torrington Invite
Girls Swim @ Buffalo Pentathlon, 4:00 p.m.
Cross Country @ Casper Invite (Bear Trap Meadow), 12:00
Saturday August 27th:
9th Volleyball @ Newcastle Invite, 9:00 a.m.
JV/VAR Volleyball – Douglas Invite, 9:00 a.m.
JV Football vs. Casper Natrona, 10:00 a.m.
9th/VAR Football vs. Lovell (Zero Week), 4:00/6:00 p.m.
Girls Swim @ Gillette Pentathlon, 9:00 a.m.
Tuesday August 30th:
9th Volleyball – Douglas Triangular
4:00 p.m. Douglas vs. Rawlins
5:00 p.m. Glenrock vs. Rawlins
6:00 p.m. Douglas vs. Glenrock
Go Bearcats!!
Steve Walker
Activities Director
Douglas High School
email: swalker@ccsd1.k12.wy.us
Office: (307)358-4040
Cell: (307)351-9375
Fax: (307)358-6567
Douglas High School Activities Mission Statement:
“Our Mission is to broaden our students’ interest and experience through extracurricular activities that encourage cooperation and commitment while improving individual self-esteem, perseverance and positive spirit.”
Douglas High School Mission Statement:
Our mission is dedicated to preparing all students to become accountable life long learners.
New Football and Volleyball Schedules

Attached are the updated football and volleyball schedules. Thanks, Steve.
Go Bearcats!!
Steve Walker
Activities Director
Douglas High School
email: swalker@ccsd1.k12.wy.us
Office: (307)358-4040
Cell: (307)351-9375
Fax: (307)358-6567
Douglas High School Activities Mission Statement:
“Our Mission is to broaden our students’ interest and experience through extracurricular activities that encourage cooperation and commitment while improving individual self-esteem, perseverance and positive spirit.”
Douglas High School Mission Statement:
Our mission is dedicated to preparing all students to become accountable life long learners.
Schedule Changes - Football and Volleyball

We have made some additional changes to our football and volleyball schedules. Attached are the current versions!
Football…this Saturday (August 27th) we will now play Casper Natrona Soph’s at 10:00 a.m. (originally scheduled with Riverton). Riverton was unable to come on Saturday. The Riverton JV football game has been rescheduled to Monday October 17th in Douglas at 4:30 p.m.
Volleyball…the Volleyball games vs. Wheatland on Tuesday September 13th have had a time change. We will now play the 9th and JV games @ 3:00 and the Varsity Game @ 4:00 p.m. (games were originally scheduled for 4:00/4:00 and 5:00).
Thanks, Steve
Go Bearcats!!
Steve Walker
Activities Director
Douglas High School
email: swalker@ccsd1.k12.wy.us
Office: (307)358-4040
Cell: (307)351-9375
Fax: (307)358-6567
Douglas High School Activities Mission Statement:
“Our Mission is to broaden our students’ interest and experience through extracurricular activities that encourage cooperation and commitment while improving individual self-esteem, perseverance and positive spirit.”
Douglas High School Mission Statement:
Our mission is dedicated to preparing all students to become accountable life long learners.
Volleyball Schedule Change

The Volleyball Game scheduled with Buffalo on Saturday Sept. 17th has been moved to Friday September 16th (Same Times).
Friday September 16th
Volleyball @ Buffalo, 4:00/5:00/6:00 p.m.
New schedule attached. Thanks, Steve.
Go Bearcats!!
Steve Walker
Activities Director
Douglas High School
email: swalker@ccsd1.k12.wy.us
Office: (307)358-4040
Cell: (307)351-9375
Fax: (307)358-6567
Douglas High School Activities Mission Statement:
“Our Mission is to broaden our students’ interest and experience through extracurricular activities that encourage cooperation and commitment while improving individual self-esteem, perseverance and positive spirit.”
Douglas High School Mission Statement:
Our mission is dedicated to preparing all students to become accountable life long learners.
Volleyball Schedule Change

The 9th/JV Volleyball game at Casper Kelly Walsh on Monday September 5th has been moved to Monday September 12th. The Freshman Game is at 4:00 p.m. and the JV Game is at 5:00 p.m. Please adjust your schedules. Attached is a current schedule. Thanks, Steve.
Go Bearcats!!
Steve Walker
Activities Director
Douglas High School
email: swalker@ccsd1.k12.wy.us
Office: (307)358-4040
Cell: (307)351-9375
Fax: (307)358-6567
Douglas High School Activities Mission Statement:
“Our Mission is to broaden our students’ interest and experience through extracurricular activities that encourage cooperation and commitment while improving individual self-esteem, perseverance and positive spirit.”
Douglas High School Mission Statement:
Our mission is dedicated to preparing all students to become accountable life long learners.
Douglas Fall Golf Invite moved to Thursday September 8th

The Douglas Fall Golf Tournament has been moved to Thursday September 8th beginning at 9:00 a.m. at the Douglas Community Club. We will now travel to Buffalo on Monday and Tuesday Aug. 22nd and 23rd. A new schedule is attached. Please adjust your schedules. Thanks, Steve.
Go Bearcats!!
Steve Walker
Activities Director
Douglas High School
email: swalker@ccsd1.k12.wy.us
Office: (307)358-4040
Cell: (307)351-9375
Fax: (307)358-6567
Douglas High School Activities Mission Statement:
“Our Mission is to broaden our students’ interest and experience through extracurricular activities that encourage cooperation and commitment while improving individual self-esteem, perseverance and positive spirit.”
Douglas High School Mission Statement:
Our mission is dedicated to preparing all students to become accountable life long learners.
Football Schedule Changes

We have made a couple changes to our football schedule (attached).
1. Zero Week Football Game vs. Lovell (Time Change). We will play our Frosh vs. their JV at 4:00 p.m. and the Varsity Game will be played at 6:00 p.m.
2. The Riverton JV Football Game originally scheduled on Monday August 29th has been moved to Saturday August 27th at 10:00 a.m. @ Bearcat Stadium.
Go Cats!
Go Bearcats!!
Steve Walker
Activities Director
Douglas High School
email: swalker@ccsd1.k12.wy.us
Office: (307)358-4040
Cell: (307)351-9375
Fax: (307)358-6567
Douglas High School Activities Mission Statement:
“Our Mission is to broaden our students’ interest and experience through extracurricular activities that encourage cooperation and commitment while improving individual self-esteem, perseverance and positive spirit.”
Douglas High School Mission Statement:
Our mission is dedicated to preparing all students to become accountable life long learners.