All Matches will be on Court 3A
(In front of Sections Q & R)

2008 State 4A Football Championship Bracket
Bearcat Activities this week….
Congratulations to the Boys 3A State Cross Country Champions!! Leading the way for the Bearcats were Victor Caballero (5th), Max Deininger (8th), Garret Wilson (10th), Bryan Clark (11th), Tyler Dewitt (17th), Kasey Watson (37th), and Tyrell Kirchhefer (42nd)…..Congratulations boys….Great job!!
The girls finished in 8th place. Leading the way for the ladies were Amanda Kornegay (16th), Sarah Townsend (36th), Rhiann Dameron (40th), Carolyn Smylie (47th), Alena Hetzer (55th), and Miranda Sober (63rd). Congratulations to the girls too!!
The Girls Swim Team travel to the State Swim Championships this weekend. They competed at the Conference Swim Championships this weekend in Worland. Congrats to them and Good Luck at the State Swim Championships!!
Congratulations to the Volleyball team. They finished 3rd at the Regional Tournament this weekend in Rawlins….next up State Volleyball @ Casper.
The Football team finished the regular season at Wheatland with a 41-0 win over the Bulldogs. The Bearcats are the 4A East Conference Champions! They are the #1 seed in the play-offs! Congrats to them as well.
Thursday October 30th:
State Volleyball Tournament @ Casper Events Center (bracket attached)
Douglas Bearcats vs. Kemmerer Rangers @ 4:30 p.m.
<<3A State VB Bracket.htm>>
Friday October 31st, 7:00 p.m.
Bearcat Football: Home for the play-offs with the #1 Seed.
1st Round play-off game vs. Rawlins Outlaws - kick-off at 7:00 p.m.
<<4A State FB Playoffs.htm>>
Lady Bearcat Swimming: State Swim information attached. Prelims begin at 4:00 p.m.
<<Girls State Swim Information.pdf>> <<OrderofEvents State Swimming.pdf>>
Go Bearcats!!
Steve Walker
Activities Director
Douglas High School
email: swalker@ccsd1.k12.wy.us
Office: (307)358-4040
Cell: (307)351-9375
Fax: (307)358-6567