3A East Regional BB Webcasts

Good Morning:


Please share this with any interested parties-


RT Communications will be webcasting all the 3A East Regional BB Tournament held in Newcastle on March 1-3.  To watch the games, please follow these steps:


1.       Please go to the Newcastle High School home page at:  www.weston1.k12.wy.us

2.       Find the banner that says "Slammin' in the Dome" and click on the lower right where it says:  CLICK HERE TOURNAMENT INFORMATION

3.       Click on the link that says"  Watch live on lie RTcom.tv"

4.       Enjoy the games!


Let me know if you have any other questions!


Todd Quigley, Assistant Principal/Activities Director

Newcastle High School

Office (307) 746-2713   Cell (307) 746-8973


Go, Fight, Win Dogies!


Go Bearcats!
Steve Walker
Activities Director
Douglas High School
1703 Hamilton St.
Office: (307)358-4040
Fax: (307)358-6567
Cell: (307)351-9375

Regional Tournament Brackets Set

Attached are the 2012 Regional Basketball Tournament Brackets.  The tournament will be held this Thursday-Saturday in Newcastle. 

Go Bearcats!
Steve Walker
Activities Director
Douglas High School
1703 Hamilton St.
Office: (307)358-4040
Fax: (307)358-6567
Cell: (307)351-9375

Saturday's Game vs. Buffalo...unable to broadcast

Due to issues with the Tricaster, we will be uanble to broadcast/stream the games on Saturday. 
Go Bearcats!
Steve Walker
Activities Director
Douglas High School
1703 Hamilton St.
Office: (307)358-4040
Fax: (307)358-6567
Cell: (307)351-9375

This Week with the Bearcats

Tuesday Feb. 21st:

Band Concert - DHS Auditorium, 7:00 p.m.


Thursday-Friday Feb. 23-24

Boys Swimming:  STATE CHAMPIONSHIPS @ Gillette, (Thursday 2:00 p.m. and Friday 10:00 a.m.)


Friday-Saturday Feb. 24-25

Wrestling: STATE CHAMPIONSHIPS @ Casper Events Center, 9:00 a.m.

     (State Brackets Attached)


Saturday Feb. 25

9th Girls/Boys Basketball @ Worland Tournament, TBA

JV/VAR Girls/Boys Basketball vs. Buffalo

12:00 JV Girls (Back Gym) and JV Boys (Front Gym)

1:30 Varsity Girls

3:00 Varsity Boys





Go Bearcats!


Steve Walker

Activities Director
Douglas High School

Office: (307)358-4040

Fax:  (307)358-6567

Cell:  (307)351-9375

Email: swalker@ccsd1.org


Add 9th BB Girls/Boys vs. Lusk

Missed it…..


Tuesday Feb. 14th:

9th Girls/Boys Basketball vs. Lusk

4:00 9th Girls (Front Gym)

5:30 9th Boys (Front Gym)





Go Bearcats!


Steve Walker

Activities Director
Douglas High School

Office: (307)358-4040

Fax:  (307)358-6567

Cell:  (307)351-9375

Email: swalker@ccsd1.org


This Week with the Bearcats

Thursday Feb. 16th:

Girls Basketball @ Wheatland, 4:00/5:30/7:00

Boys Basketball vs. Wheatland, 4:00/5:30/7:00

Band – Festival of the Winds, University of Wyoming


Friday Feb. 17th:

Band – Festival of the Winds, University of Wyoming

Forensics – Harvard University, Boston

Wrestling @ Regional Championships, Rawlins

Boys Swimming @ Newcastle Qualifier, 4:00 p.m.


Saturday Feb. 18th:

Band – Festival of the Winds, University of Wyoming
Forensics – Harvard University, Boston

Wrestling @ Regionals Championships, Rawlins

Girls/Boys Basketball vs. Glenrock

        3:00 9th Boys (Back Gym) and JV Girls (Front Gym)

        4:30 9th Girls (Back Gym…2 Quarters) and JV Boys (Front Gym)

        6:00 Varsity Girls

        7:30 Varsity Boys





Go Bearcats!


Steve Walker

Activities Director
Douglas High School

Office: (307)358-4040

Fax:  (307)358-6567

Cell:  (307)351-9375

Email: swalker@ccsd1.org


Polar Plunge - Watch Live on the Internet

If you would like to see the polar plunge and can't make it to the high school , you may watch it live at the following address:




Schools…if we could limit the number of sites broadcasting that will help.  Last year due to a high volume of viewers at different sites, the service was slow; it spent a significant amount of time buffering.  Please combine classrooms if available. 


Thanks, Steve.